Estibaliz Merino

University of Alcalá


Dr. Estíbaliz Merino obtained her PhD degree at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. During this period, she did a stay with Prof. Timothy Jamison at MIT. Then she moved to Germany as a postdoctoral researcher to work with Prof. Magnus Rueping. After this period, she came back to Spain as Juan de la Cierva researcher in Prof. Avelino Corma´s group at ITQ. Later, she was a research associate in the group of Prof. Cristina Nevado at University of Zurich. In 2019,she started her independent career as a Senior Research Fellow financed by Talent Attaction Program of Community of Madrid-Spain at University of Alcala (Madrid). Her current research interests focus on organic synthesis, organometallic chemistry, DFT calculations, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.

All sessions by Estibaliz Merino

Exploring new reactivities of azobenzenes with visible light
12:00 PM
Estibaliz Merino

University of Alcalá
