Timothy Noel

University of Amsterdam


Timothy Noël received in 2004 his MSc degree (Industrial Chemical Engineering) in Ghent. He then moved to Ghent University to obtain a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry (2005-2009). Next, he crossed the ocean to work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow with Professor Stephen L. Buchwald. Returning to Europe, he became assistant professor in 2012 and associate professor in 2017 at Eindhoven University of Technology. In 2020, he was promoted to Full Professor at the University of Amsterdam where he is the Chair of Flow Chemistry. His research interests are synthetic organic chemistry and technology, and especially the delicate synergy between these two fields. His research on flow chemistry was recognized with several awards, including the DECHEMA award (2017), the Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs (2019), the IUPAC-ThalesNano Flow Chemistry Award (2020), the KNCV Gold Medal (2021) and the ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award 2022. He is the editor in chief of Journal of Flow Chemistry.

All sessions by Timothy Noel

Innovation in HAT photocatalysis through use of flow
03:50 PM
Timothy Noel

University of Amsterdam
