Vladimir Gevorgyan received his PhD from the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis. After two years of postdoctoral research (1992–1994, JSPS- and Ciba-Geigy International Postdoctoral Fellowships) at Tohoku University, Japan, and a visiting professorship (1995) at CNR, Bologna, Italy, he joined the faculty at Tohoku University (Assistant Professor, 1996; Associate Professor, 1997–1999). In 1999, Vladimir Gevorgyan moved to USA to join UIC (Associate Professor, 1999; Professor, 2003; LAS Distinguished Professor, 2012). In 2019, he joined the University of Texas at Dallas to become a Robert. A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Chemistry. Vladimir also holds a Professor position at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His group is interested in the development of novel synthetic methodology, particularly toward biologically relevant molecules.