Doctor Sai Katikaneni

Sai P. Katikaneni is presently working as research Science Consultant at Carbon Management R&D Division, R&D Center, Saudi Aramco


Dr. Sai P. Katikaneni is presently working as research Science Consultant at Carbon Management R&D Division, R&D Center, Saudi Aramco for the last 11 years. Prior to this, Dr. Katikaneni worked at FuelCell Energy, Danbury, USA, as Director, Fuel Cell Systems and Fuel processing Division. He has more than 28 year’s experience in hydrogen, fuel processing, fuel cell and clean energy production technologies. His research interests include fuel processing, fuel cell technologies, catalysis, hydrogen production, desulfurization, and shape-selective catalysis for specialty chemicals, synthesis and application of catalytic materials for clean fuels and industrial chemicals. Dr. Katikaneni is co-inventor of 15 patents, delivered Keynote Presentations, Published >50 papers in refereed journals, presented >40 papers in international conferences, Guest edited 3 books on fuel cells. Dr. Katikaneni is active in professional societies and as Secretary, American Chemical Society Petroleum Chemistry Division 2006-12 and Program Committee member since 2001. He organized 12 International conferences on Fuel Cells, Fuel Processing and Carbon Management. Dr. Katikaneni is also a reviewer for several peer reviewed international journals such as Catalysis Today, Journal of Power Sources, Fuel Processing Technology etc.

All sessions by Doctor Sai Katikaneni

An Overview of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing for Syngas Production for Fuel Cell Applications: Catalyst Challenges and Requirements
05:00 PM

Hydrogen-based fuel cells for automotive and stationary applications are gaining increased attention for various reasons including their higher efficiencies and lower emissions.

Doctor Sai Katikaneni

Sai P. Katikaneni is presently working as research Science Consultant at Carbon Management R&D Division, R&D Center, Saudi Aramco
