Redox-neutral Photocatalysis – Towards ideal chemical transformations

Ideal chemical transformations in terms of green and sustainable chemistry convert abundant, low energy starting materials into high value products without losing a single atom.1 Light-driven catalysis offers tools for such reactions.2 We discuss in the lecture key photocatalytic principles and how they can be applied to redox-neutral reactions, such as C-H carboxylations of alkanes and arenes with carbon dioxide.3 Current scope and limitations are shown and a perspective is given where the use of light may lead to better catalysis.4


1 Trost, B.M., Science 1991, 254, 1471 – 1477.

2 Marzo, L.; Pagire, S.K.; Reiser, O.; König, B. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 10034 – 10072.

3 Donabauer, K.; König, B. Acc. Chem. Res. 2021, 54, 242–252.

4 Wang, H.; Tian, Y.-M.; König, B. Nature Reviews Chemistry 2022, 6, 745 - 755




Burkhard König

University of Regensburg

Event Quick Information

14 Feb, 2023
09:10 AM - 09:50 AM